Monday, October 29, 2007

a first cut at corporate ...

I might just be enjoying the most exciting stint of my career right now! Post-MBA very few people get to stay in an action zone as vibrant as this. Ha! its almost evil but its right there, and man! Is it exciting!

Every day its like a drama that unfolds itself in front of me. Words like 'restructuring','re-org' are order of the day. Remember the guy who planned the entire product architecture, well he just got laid off. And did you hear about the dame you never heard of (in a small company you do hear about almost everyone who has a designation-suffix - 'manager') well she's become the VP and may kill you by auditing the entire product line. Hell! I sometimes feel why didn't I learn chess?? Remember all those words in ISB... re-aligning**business processes**, **streamlining operations**, **Business process redesign** ... Hell I am doing it!!

By Jove! every single day is just too much adrenaline to handle. And in between all these games I need to work, imagine the drudgery. I kind of got reminded of roller coaster, one minute you are up another minute you are down but when you come out of it, you laugh so hard because you are alive... I guess I can't have that laugh right now... But hey, roller coasters do give me a kick :)
