Sunday, September 20, 2009

The fall of 'Complex'

The root of all restlessness and aggression is a complex. By definition, complex is " a combination of emotions and impulses that are rejected from a person's awareness, but influence the behaviour". It is imperative that complex lies at the heart of all our aggression. If we don't have a complex, implying that we don't reject our emotions, there is not much reason for a lot of emotional turmoil.

Why did I choose this line of argument to start with? Because right now the world is in a transformational mode. The transformation is with respect to assuring a person's individual identity. The signs are everywhere and now with technology it is becoming even more prominent. Because now there is a way to express one's idiosyncracy without hesitation.

Groups and socieities have been an integral part of human evolution. I don't think it will ever go, no matter how empowered people get or feel. There is always a need to inform, communicate and discuss. This is what connects people, forms basis of relationships. The fault happens when this relationship suddenly becomes bigger than the people involved, such as is the case with societies today. Society empowers humans to be their individual self. This feeling is lost somewhere. Lack of accountability and responsibility are key offshoots of over dependence on society.

Before the 90's information was sparse, and in hands of the few. There were newsmakers, media and followers or general people. The information technology changed that, and today whoever has an internet connection is pouring in to the information available. This is liberating and revolutionary.

Suddenly you are not shy to be what you are. While you can maintain a dual identity, you are sleeping much better in the night because your internet avatar is really what you are. Emotions are free at last, and do not need anyone's judgment or decision to see the day of the light. Complex goes down, even if by a small percentage.

Transformation is happening. Our societies will evolve as the humans who form it evolve. Empowerment is contagious. Argumentation decreases as everyone has one version of reality. Action increases as everyone realizes that they alone can actually change themselves. Information plays a near-revolutionary role here. And so does Information Technology.