Ranked 3 - IE8 ... I know its beta but so are Gmail, Orkut, and Chrome... :) .. Anyways, the point being (a) takes time to load ( I have a dual core processor, 2 Gigs ram) ... (b) the address bar drop down has some psychological issues... it takes time to open up ... :) they tried to copy firefox but have failed in several ways...
Something that are good (a) best for intranets (b) color codes tabs opened from inside of one tab
Ranked 2 - Chrome ... Some people would go all the way to say its the fastest... to me memory consumption and CPU share matters... features are awesome (stretchable text boxes, tab sliders, task manager, default google search, tab crash) but keep it open for an hour and you will see the CPU share go up!! which is why #2
Ranked 1 - Firefox ... hands down the best browser... esp after they introduced this address bar thing on which it additionally autocompletes on the basis of metadata.... very useful feature... e.g. if you have visited sites www.linkedin.com and also went through a university site having linked lists when you start typing linked... it will show both these URLs... tab crashing yet to come but its low on my priority... should have feature right now.... opens up fast, tabs are easy to work with...
PS: BTW posting the blog from chrome... giving it benefit of doubt maybe...