Sunday, May 03, 2009


I have been thinking about this for a long time now and I guess this gives answer to a lot of my questions. Of course, I discovered them myself and therefore instead of linking to a credible personality, I will be doing the honors to write it. :)
I have spoken, in a purely philosophical terms, to many people about destiny, super consciousness etc. There are people who believe, there are who don't and in-betweens too. I sure do believe in destiny. And here is some food of thought on that topic.

1. According to Vedas (, the ultimate destination for all human beings is to be one with the supreme power or 'chaitanya'. Having said that we are all given several lives to travel through a part of that journey. We are also given means to complete that part of journey aka body (including the mind, which is mostly governed by one's genes).

2. This journey is what The Secret author Rhonda called as travelling from Seattle to NY only knowing the next 100 meters or so. Thats exactly it. You know where you have to get to, only you have to see only next 100 m at a time.

3. We have a choice, all of us, whether to follow our inner self which by the way is meant to take you through the "straight-line" path (meaning shortest distance). Unfortunately, in today's world we choose to be driven more by external factors than internal. Therefore we sometimes are incapable of making the right choice and therefore the path just elongates.

4. What do I mean when I say "inner self"? Well don't worry, I am not telling you to do Yoga or meditation. You KNOW when you make a choice against your will and when you don't. Seriously, just think about it and your mind keeps it stored. Negativity in one's personality is a resultant of this. Bottomline, you are perfectly aware when you do against your will.

Inner-dope: Ultimately, its trust. When you trust that this travel will only have situations, circumstances and people who were meant to come to your life and have a purpose, you become peaceful. Only thing you got to remember - go by your own discretion.


Sam said...

very well written. i like the clarity in your thoughts.

tell me something. how do you define one's will? i do most things as per my basic instinct, is that part of my will?

and if everyone behaves according to their own wills, it would be a chaos. where does society and societal norms fit in and our behavior accordingly.

also, you mentioned we know where we have to go. i seriously don't know where i have to go. :-/

Nissim said...

thats the best part. you need not know where you are going. you just got to make the right choice at the cross roads. :)
believe me when i say we know when we made the right choice, because however difficult it is 'seemingly' our mind is relieved by taking it.

one more thing, not everyone wants same things. And I dont mean wanting the same ipod, or car etc. i mean from a peace of mind point of view.

if all of us behave according to our trait and choose what we want to we all will be much better off. because more than judging someone else's actions, you are enjoying your own actions! :-)